Daniel William Carter
Daniel Carter was born on March 5th 1982 in Southbridge, Canterbury New Zealand. Daniel Carter is 29 years old. Daniel Carter went to Christchurch Boys High School. Daniel Carters height is 178 cm 5 foot 10 inches. His full name is Daniel William Carter. Daniel Carters weight is 94 kg 14 stone 11 lb. Daniel Carter played for the Crusaders. He played 95 games scored 1,272 points. He played 83 caps for the All Blacks and scored 1,229 points for the All Blacks. Daniel gets $30,000 dollars per game. His team bet Italy 70-7 in Melbourne Australia. Daniel Carter’s was 21 years old when he first played for the All Blacks. His nicknames are Dezzy and DC. Daniel William Carter is still playing for the All Blacks now.