Thursday, 26 July 2012

I asked the little boy who cannot see

I asked the boy who cannot see

I asked the boy who cannot see,
“And what is colour like?”
“Why white,” he said,
Is like a crunchy delicious lemonade ice-block.
And orange is like sitting in front of a nice warm fire in my house.
Why brown is like touching a smooth horse in a stable.
Yellow is when the sun shines on my back on a hot summer's day.
Blue is the feeling of rain falling down on me during my soccer match.
Red is like the smell of roses in a flower meadow.
And green is when you can hear the wind blowing through leaves”.


Sunday, 15 July 2012

The Amazing Spider Man!

The Amazing Spider Man

On Saturday the fourteenth of July my family and I and Quaye and Jacob went to the movies to see the Amazing Spiderman at Highland park Event cinemas.  Our movie started at 6:15 pm.  When we got there we went and played some games before we went into our cinema.  When we got into our cinema it was showing the trailers for movies that were coming soon.  When the movie started I couldn't stop talking. The movie finished we went and played some more games we went and had some Burger King and went home  

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Movies.

Going to the movies.

On Friday the sixth of July my family and I went to the movies.  The people I went with was: My mum, my dad, my cousin Joshua, my other cousin Brooke, and my brother Cody.  The movie we went to see was Snow white and the Huntsman.  We saw the movie in Manukau event cinemas.  We had to wait for ten minutes before we could go in.  When we got in there was a very long line.  We got our tickets and we went to our cinema it was showing the trailers for movies that were coming soon.  The movie was like the fairy tale but the ending was not the same.  When the movie finished I couldn't stop talking about it.

Monday, 2 July 2012

My Jokes

What does Geronimo say when he jumps out of an Aeroplane?


What did the water say to the boat?

Nothing, it just waved.

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it. 

Sunday, 1 July 2012

My Riddle

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

What kind of stones are not in the sea?

What does a lazy dog do for fun?